Saturday, May 29, 2010

Another Adventure, This Time to Mount Vernon, Another Small Town

These are heeled RAIN BOOTS. With a peacock pattern on them. Never have I ever...
This reverberated when you talked in the middle of it.
Everything here was old.
We were there to visit Courtney's great grandmother. Lisa came too, but sadly there are no pictures of her. Which is a shame because it would have been nice to capture the moment after she bought her cinnamon roll, but before she almost got pooped on by a bird.

Friday, May 28, 2010

North Bend Slash Mt. Si Adventure (From Many Moons Ago) (And By That I Mean Like a Month Ago)

Me and Courtney on the bridge at the beginning of the trailhead

Me pretending to look like I am enjoying the outdoors
The freaky cafe we ate at with the dirty Tweety's on the wall
The place was so overpriced a peanut butter and jelly cost $9.99... luckily this french dip was also $9.99

Thursday, May 27, 2010

So Not Your Dad Will Get Off My Back

I know it has been awhile since I last posted a blog, but life has caught up with me and sometimes it is all I can do to close my eyes at night.

Welp, about a month ago, my toes got so bad my shoes started to hurt when I wore them (for a reason I don't quite wish to discuss) and they looked so gross that I took a before picture but was too embarassed to post it.

Regardless, I got them done and now I am properly getting regular pedicures out of shame. And at that time I got a manicure, and I got this beautiful golden rose color. If that were not enough for me to chose it, it was called Senorita Rosalita! Perfect =)

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

I Looked up Video Game Quotes and One was "But our princess is in another castle"

A couple of weeks ago, a conversation between my friend Keith and I went a little like this:
Keith: Your brother has a wii?!
Ally: Yes Keith.
Keith: So, can I go to your house and play it? I mean hang out... but mostly I mean play the wii.

So one Friday we picked my brother up from school and he literally played video games for two hours with my ten year old brother while I watched King of Queens upstairs with my parents. My dad went down twice to change the laundry and he said each time "the Boy was talking his ear off, about the game, about life".

Granted, Andrew did once tell me he wished I was his older brother.